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Building a massive membership association

to put U.S. workers back on top

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September 2016: Please see my latest blog post for an important update.


Let's face it: In the big picture, nationally, average American wage earners lack any real say at all in the economic rules that define their lives, despite their enormous numbers. 


And to expect any improvement in worker welfare absent massive change is delusional, considering that the needs of the average American (and thus the average worker) have a “miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant” impact on current public policy. 


So the problem is clear, and many people are deeply concerned. But so far we've lacked an organized, potent push for across-the-board change. Elected officials who try to fight for workers are few and far between in Congress or in state legislatures that overwhelmingly trend anti-labor. Worker centers and support associations remain disconnected and small-scale. Unions focus on their own shrinking bargaining units. >This is unsustainable and unacceptable<


The state of wage-earning in America is overdue for disruption. We need what amounts to a U.S. Chamber of WORK: a massive, organized, independent advocate representing ALL workers and fighting for them in the halls of power.


And to compel broad, systemic change, this entity needs to be much bigger and vastly more agile and influential than any single union or advocacy group. It needs to operate on par with America’s toughest, most influential and most effective membership organizations – like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AARP and the National Rifle Association. 


This model could revive the status of American labor and promote worker interests on a large enough scale to finally gain the RESPECT – and policy gains, and earnings growth – U.S. wage earners deserve.







Position Paper





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